Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang is strikingly situated on a peninsula formed by the confluence of two rivers, the Mekong and the Khan. Its palm-lined riverbanks, terracotta roofs, golden stupas and saffron-robed monks all come together to form a picture postcard increasingly difficult to find in Southeast Asia. Somnambulant and languid, its peaceful feel masks a history of conquest and recapture, and only hints at the intricate culture and traditional rituals that still take place here every day.

Declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995, the town was described by the global body as "an outstanding example of the fusion of traditional architecture and Lao urban structures with those built by the European colonial authorities in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its unique, remarkably well-preserved townscape illustrates a key stage in the blending of these two distinct cultural traditions."

What to See!!!

Temples.  Our city tours take in some of the most beautiful temples found in Southeast Asia including the magnificent Wat Xiengthong with its characteristic roof sweeping low to the ground.  Our tours usually end with a climb up Mount Phousi which offers a stunning panoramic view of the city and a great sunset.

Kuang Si Waterfall.  A stunning waterfall 45 minutes drive from Luang Prabang, Kuang Si features sublime turquoise pools amid a jungle setting.  Our tours to Kuang Si often include a visit to a local fresh market as well as an in-depth village tour to a Hmong village we sponsor, experiencing their way of life and actually giving them a hand with the cooking!  Money goes back to the village in order to build a toilets and a water supply.

Pak Ou Caves.  Take a private boat 1 hour up the Mekong River to visit Pak Ou Caves, housing thousands of ornate Buddhas.  Still a place of pilgrimage for many Lao people, the trip offers a picturesque boat ride and a fascinating insight into Lao culture.

Baci Ceremony.  An important facet of Lao culture, a baci ceremony incorporates animist beliefs.  The tying of strings to ones wrists aims to keep bad spirits away and bring good luck.  Every visitor to Laos should experience this and we can organise a ceremony in the traditional sense – in a local village with local people.

Alms giving.  The giving of alms by the Buddhist locals to the monks in Luang Prabang is an age old tradition, and one that is unique to Laos.  The procession of saffron robed monks in the morning is a spectacular sight.  Taking place around dawn we can provide a pre breakfast excursion to any tour for a wonderfully serene cultural experience.

Elephants. No trip to Laos would be complete without a glimpse of them.  Why not try our exclusive ‘2 day multi sport’ programme, taking in a mountain bike trail through the countryside, an Elephant ride around the Khan River, overnighting in luxury lodge accommodation.  The next day enjoy a ‘fair trek’ to a local village, then a gentle kayak back to Luang Prabang town.  All in all the perfect soft adventure tour!

Gecko Cliff (NEW).  Our new tour takes you off the main tourist trail in style.  Our tour includes a luxury private boat cruise down the Mekong, a short trek, then a gentle cycle ride to an undiscovered waterfall.

Nong Khiaw.  Just a 4 hour drive north of Luang Prabang is the hidden gem of Nong Khiaw, an idyllic riverside village located on the Ou River.  Overnight in comfortable lodge accommodation before returning the next day via private boat down the Ou River, one of Asias best kept secrets, quite simply one of the most beautiful river journeys around.  For those with time on their hands this tour can be extended by a couple of nights to include trekking and homestay options.